Is one data point at 90% proficiency enough to move a student from one intervention to the next?

Posted by Ryan Andreassen
  • Posted on 02/01/17 - 3:07 p.m.

With an understanding that once a student reaches 90% on a specific intervention... they move to the next one. Teachers are wondering if one data point at 90% is sufficient to show enough progress to move on?  Was there significant data to show it is? Are there things in each additional intervention that continue to build those additional skills? 

Thanks for the help! 

Jesup Elementary Teachers! 

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  • Posted on 02/09/17 - 3:34 p.m.
  • 1 revision
  • Last Edited 02/09/17 - 3:34 p.m.

Hi Ryan,

When I have asked about exiting an intervention this is the answer I received:

I usually have a couple data points when it comes to progress monitoring on the skill and the students meeting the accuracy goal of 90%, just to be sure.  Hope this helps!


Amber Junk

New Hampton Elementary

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