Student Inventories

Posted by Julie Nelson
  • Posted on 09/20/17 - 11:08 a.m.

Cohort Leaders -

I would like to get an idea of how systems are administering the student inventories (phonemic awareness and phonics).  We use areading to gather our fall benchmark data.  In early October we will have grade level data meetings and determine the reading need of every student in our school.  Students who will need a phonics intervention will be given the phonics inventory to determine the specific need.  I am curious who is responsible for administering the phonics inventory - the classroom teacher or adult that will teach the student the intervention?   Such a simple question...but I am curious how others are doing this.

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Michele Chapin (Premium User)
  • Posted on 09/20/17 - 11:17 a.m.

We ask the classroom teachers to administer the inventory before we have our data meeting. They administer the inventory to any student who struggled with accuracy and they also use their judgment if they struggled with fluency.(Most teachers administer the inventory if the student is low in accuracy and fluency.) If they need assistance in administering the inventory they let me know and I assist.


  • Posted on 09/20/17 - 11:52 a.m.

Our title 1 staff administers the inventory.  That way when we start our intervention, we know exactly where to start.  But we do share the info with the teachers. 

  • Posted on 09/21/17 - 11:42 a.m.

Our title 1 staff also administers the inventory.  We are able to then plan our intervention groups and know exactly where to start with each group.  This information is shared with PLC teams.

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