Hi Mary,
I was waiting to see if other cohort members had some advice based on their own experience. I figured I should now provide some advice.
At the 6th grade level, it sounds like they have a long way to go with their skills based on what you shared. I would suggest adding explicit letter sound instruction into a decoding intervention that is appropriate for them. At this grade level, I would also suggest that you either use an ipad app to build words or even have the students make the words with letter tiles instead of magnetic letters.
Also, I would suggest that you partner a decoding intervention with Supported Cloze using connected text that includes the type of decoding skill you are working on.
I hope that helps a bit. I am happy to discuss this further if needed.
We recently got our decoding inventories back and noticed we had 10 students in 6th grade that still didn't pass the letter sounds part. We have two groups for those kids, but what are your suggestions for teaching 6th graders letter sounds and CVC words? Any good advice for kids that old that need such basic skills? THanks