Using PRESS with LEXIA

Posted by Sandra Campie
  • Posted on 10/03/16 - 10:48 a.m.

Have you blended PRESS with any computer intervention systems?  LEXIA assesses student reading skills and provides information on student deficiencies in a class report.  It also provides activities for computer-based as well as teacher-led intervention. I am trying to figure out how to blend PRESS with this program. I do not think using a computer-based intervention alone is sufficient and I don't think it measures fluency. I would welcome anyone with experience using LEXIA to comment.  We are just starting with it. Thanks.

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  • Posted on 10/05/16 - 11:13 a.m.

Hello Sandra-

  My school is doing the same.  Our whole school is currently using Lexia and I am monitoring the at risk and persistently at risk students to see if they are flagged for additional lessons.  If they are, I complete the lessons with them.  I just attended a PRESS training and we are doing a "trial run" of how it might work for our school.  I will be implementing interventions with students who are designated as persistently at risk or that seem to be struggling with literacy in the classroom.  It's not really blending the two programs, as I have set and separate times I complete Lexia lessons and PRESS interventions, but moreso using two interventions to reach all students.  Hope this may have helped a little?

  • Posted on 10/05/16 - 7:37 p.m.

Thank you for your repsonse.  It makes sense to do both interventions if you can fit it in the schedule. I have 30 minute intervention with students 1-3 times per week and will use 10 minutes for Lexia or about one unit.  It should help me work with smaller sets of students and do the progress monitoring required by the state for FAST. I had been using a very tight teacher led  30 min lesson so I'll need to revise it to 20 minutes. I'd love to keep in touch on how it is going with you.

  • Posted on 10/26/16 - 8:09 p.m.

I just watched Professor  Burns webinar on this site and am even more convinced you cannot use a comprehensive intervention alone and get accelerated achievement. Students on Lexia do have some skills that are the same ones I am working on. But because it addresses 5 skill areas in a set, the student who needs decoding has one of five skill areas on decoding but must complete all areas (vocabulary, comprehension, fluency) before a new set of units on decoding is provided,

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