When to do fidelity checks

Posted by Beth Smith
  • Posted on 10/19/17 - 3:08 p.m.

We are implementing a 10-day classwide intervention at a couple different grade levels.  How many days into the intervention is it suggested to do a fidelity check?

Thank you!

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  • Posted on 10/20/17 - 10:44 a.m.
  • 1 revision
  • Last Edited 10/20/17 - 10:44 a.m.

Hi Beth,

Thank you so much for posting your question about fidelity checks during a classwide intervention. The Community Forum is a space for all PRESS users, premium and free, to post questions to the community as a whole. As a Premium User, you are able to access coaching and support from a PRESS Literacy Specialist. Please post your question on the Coaching Forum and one of our PRESS Literacy Specialists can provide you specific support and coaching around your question. Thanks!

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