Non Sense Word Winter Screening

Posted by Michele Chapin (Premium User)
  • Posted on 01/19/18 - 10:15 a.m.

I have had some 1st-grade teachers ask me about students who are below the winter benchmark with non-sense words but are at or above winter benchmark with their CBM reading. 

The teachers do not have other concerns with the students. I feel the students do not need an intervention if their other scores and classroom data show they are not struggling.

Is this correct or could I be missing something?

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  • Posted on 01/22/18 - 2:34 p.m.

Hi Michele, 

First grade in the winter is tricky because of those two data points. I am facing a similar challenge with some students that I am currently supporting. NWF in the winter can be complex because some students (oftentimes readers) might not demonstrate proficiency with this task, but demonstrate proficiency with ORF. I suggest that you take a look at their ORF accuracy column to determine your next steps. Also, take a look at other data points in the classroom and see if if they demonstrate that the student is on track at grade level. Those data points, along with the above target ORF data point, could indicate that the student is on track and you can focus your efforts on other students. 

Hope that helps.


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