Picture Cards in Easy Cut Grid

Posted by Amy Worden
  • Posted on 05/04/18 - 11:47 a.m.

I found the picture cards helpful in our work, but very tedious to assemble and costly to our resource budget.  I made the following condensed and gridded format from the PRESS file pictures and then added a cover sheet of the word list.  If it's appropriate to share, I thought I would.  I am not clear about the copyright restrictions with this resource.  I invite the PRESS leaders to remove the post if it's not acceptable.


Picture Cards in Easy Cut Grid https://drive.google.com/file/d/1FKnee8CRYqQMbpfN4J1fV_7yyuAvMooy/view?usp=sharing



1 user found this helpful. Do you?

  • Posted on 06/06/18 - 6:36 p.m.

This format is much more user friendly.  Thank you.  :)

  • Posted on 09/25/19 - 12:56 p.m.

Amy, it says I need permission to access the file. Would you be willing to share? Thank you! 

  • Posted on 09/29/19 - 7:30 p.m.

Yes Amy it says I need your permission also.  Would you be willing to share please?  I am finding there is a lot to print to be ready to use this program.


  • Posted on 10/14/19 - 9:36 a.m.

Thank you for creating this.  We are just prepping some kits for our site and it seems like it would be a great resource to have, so I have requested it, as well.


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