Data Review Meetings

Posted by Jan Boudreau
  • Posted on 11/30/18 - 3:18 p.m.


I am wondering if we discussed timelines for data review meetings? How frequently are you holding your data meetings?


Thanks,  Jan Boudreau

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Stacy Thompson (PRESS Literacy Specialist)
  • Posted on 12/10/18 - 3:01 p.m.

I'm interested to hear what members of the cohort have to say about this as well. We typically suggest having data meetings monthly. How often are you holding data meetings?

  • Posted on 01/03/19 - 2:16 p.m.

Our PLC's have data meetings biweekly.  RtI math, RtI reading, sped, EL or other specialists are invited as needed/requested.  Our building also holds data days 3 times per year.  We do so after each benchmarking period.  For each grade level, about 1 1/2 hours is spent going over the data and using the Analysis to Action and other PRESS resources.  We then spend another 2 hours or so with the classwide and/or small group interventions.  I train the classroom teachers on whichever intervention is applicable for their team or their individual classroom.  Subs are brought in for classroom teachers for 2 days after each benchmarking period to allow us this time.  It has worked really well!  

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