I'm interested to hear what members of the cohort have to say about this as well. We typically suggest having data meetings monthly. How often are you holding data meetings?
Our PLC's have data meetings biweekly. RtI math, RtI reading, sped, EL or other specialists are invited as needed/requested. Our building also holds data days 3 times per year. We do so after each benchmarking period. For each grade level, about 1 1/2 hours is spent going over the data and using the Analysis to Action and other PRESS resources. We then spend another 2 hours or so with the classwide and/or small group interventions. I train the classroom teachers on whichever intervention is applicable for their team or their individual classroom. Subs are brought in for classroom teachers for 2 days after each benchmarking period to allow us this time. It has worked really well!
I am wondering if we discussed timelines for data review meetings? How frequently are you holding your data meetings?
Thanks, Jan Boudreau