Not passing the after the classwide

Posted by Kate Amlee
  • Posted on 11/06/19 - 12:17 p.m.


I am wondering what is recommended for students who pass the screener, do a class wide intervention with their class, but then do not pass the class wide progress monitor. It looks like they have gone backward. If they've otherwise been doing well, would you still give them an intervention for that skill, or would you assume it was just a bad day, and watch them for other issues? Any other thoughts?


Kate A

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Stacy Thompson (PRESS Literacy Specialist)
  • Posted on 11/06/19 - 3:57 p.m.

Hi Kate,

I've received this question from 2nd-5th grade teachers who noticed that a few students scored lower on the fluency reassessment after a classwide and they guessed that this was due to the fact that they were only using one measure as a post-assessment. They felt that when students are screened with 3 probes, the students have more opportunities to "warm up" and do better on the assessment. Their solution for those students was to try the reassessment again using 3 probes and taking the median score to better mimic the screening process, but that would only apply when using ORF measures. I don't know if that is necessary, but it's one possible solution I've heard.

Beyond that, if the student met the target on the original screener but not the reassessment, my thought would be to keep an eye on that student, and possibly progress monitor with another probe after a bit of time passes to see if this is a trend, or if it was just a one-time event. You could also consider what other data points you have on this student - any other indicators that the student may need additional support? Or that the student appears to be on track? What thoughts do other cohort members have on this? Any previous experience with this situation?


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