Our staff at PRESS are working hard to support you in these changing conditions!
At this time, anyone who creates a free PRESS account will be able to access the intervention videos and materials. Those can all be found underneath the TOOLS section of the website:
Our staff at PRESS are working hard to support you in these changing conditions!
At this time, anyone who creates a free PRESS account will be able to access the intervention videos and materials. Those can all be found underneath the TOOLS section of the website:
If you don't yet have a free account, sign up for one here: https://presscommunity.org/accounts/signup/
You can also access demonstration videos and lesson templates to help you modify PRESS interventions for distance learning online.
Phonemic Awareness: https://presscommunity.org/p/phonemic-awareness-distance-learning/
Phonics: https://presscommunity.org/p/phonics-distance-learning/
Vocabulary: https://presscommunity.org/p/vocabulary-distance-learning/
Please feel free to reach out through this discussion forum and let us know what you need at this time.
We will do our best to support you!