Growth Outcome Measures for K and 1st

Posted by Tonya Weaver
  • Posted on 07/13/20 - 9:51 a.m.

Wondering what GOM is most frequently used for kindergarten and 1st grade?


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Kristin Burger (Literacy Specialist/Coach)
  • Posted on 07/13/20 - 11:17 a.m.

Hello Tonya,

Thanks for your question. 

We generally refer people to their district resources in order to find GOMs - ideally the GOM comes from your screening company.

With that said, we do see some commonly used measures at various grade levels. In kindergarten, the GOM is typically either a phonics (letter sound fluency) or phonemic awareness probe. In first grade, we often see schools using nonsense/decodable word fluency probes for each screening period and sometimes an ORF probe in the winter and spring screening period. If your screening company has these as options, you might consider using those. If not, one website that offers free normed and validated GOMs is 

You may find this video on our website helpful as well.

General Outcome Measures

Please reach out if you have further questions!  Reach out to us on the Coaching Tab

The PRESS Literacy Specialist Team

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