Getting Started

Posted by Shelby Pollitt
  • Posted on 06/14/21 - 1:45 p.m.

Hi everyone, 

I'm just getting started using the PRESS, and I'm wondering where I can find a list of all materials I'll need to support teachers with implementation. i.e. How many containers, and what size(s) of containers will I need? 

Also, is there information on how all of the materials should be prepared (i.e. cut out, laminated, etc.)?

I'd love to be able to do all of this prep work before passing this resource on to teachers for use in schools. Thank you so much.


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Stacy Thompson (PRESS Literacy Specialist)
  • Posted on 06/14/21 - 2:06 p.m.

Hi Shelby,

As a Premium User, you have access to coaching from PRESS Literacy Specialists. If you use the "NEW DISCUSSION" button, it posts your question to the broader PRESS community - this is a space for educators to connect with each other. If you'd like to connect with a PRESS coach in the future, please use the orange "ASK A COACH" button. In the meantime, I'm happy to answer your question! 

We do have a short webinar available that goes over the materials required for PRESS interventions here:

Please feel free to follow up with further questions! Thank you,

The PRESS Literacy Specialist Team

  • Posted on 06/15/21 - 9:18 p.m.

Thanks for your response, Stacy! I'm also wondering where I could find the Letter Sound Fluency measure that's mentioned in the manual. 

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